Saturday, February 5, 2011

some stuff i had off hand, and i'm sleepy so i'm making this quick;

i don't remember drawing this, but clearly it was after i watch Neon Genesis this summer and got a little obsessed with it. so beautiful, so freaking confusing!! then i heard Rebuild was supposed to remedy some the confusion, but that was mostly worse cause everything was different but the same and there were whole chunks of the original show tossed in and some chick who was stupid and made no sense.

anyways, i got a little mech0-obsessed for a moment. i also clearly didn't have enough love for it to color it properly.
and this guy's from a page of beasts, just the most finished of them from a late night at work.

i'm too tired to think of anything else to add, i'll be posting again later this weekend.

happy chinese newyears and weekedn everyone!

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